أعزائى القراء المحترمين
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
هذه أولي المدونات التي سأشارككم بها أرجوا للجميع الفائدة
وسأبدا معكم بمقدمة عن مصفوفة البوابات المنطقية القابلة للبرمجة في مجال العمل (Field Programmable Gate Array FPGA ).
Chapter 1
1. Introduction
ince small number of years the FPGA
project remains a secret since it involves patent-rights and other companies. This
project work describes programming an FPGA by using VHDL
is an abbreviation of Very high-speed integrated circuit Hardware Description
Language. The FPGA was placed
on an already finished circuit board. This meant that the signals to and from
the FPGA were known.
Several tools had been made available to make this possible. Those tools
involved a desktop to manage the files and write the code, a synthesizer tool
to create files needed for the programming unit that creates the useable FPGA. When
the FPGA began to take form a small but useful tool was acquired to make it possible
to study a finished FPGA signals using a computer and a small unit as an interface
between. The company mentor sells these tools.
The normal way to design an FPGA today is to create the code necessary
to program the FPGA. Before programming, the generated code from a synthesizer
tool is run in a simulator tool to see if it will work in theory. Theory and
practice does not always match but it’s still a good indication if it will work
in practice. Then the generated files are used to n program the FPGA in a
programming device.
1.1 Digital Hardware.
1.2 Standard Integrated
1.3 Programmable
Logic Devices.
1.4 Custom-Design Chips.
1.5 FPGA.
يتبع ان شاء الله
أزال المؤلف هذا التعليق.
ردحذفجزاكم الله خبرا
ردحذفالموضوع شيق ماشاءالله
ردحذفجزاك الله خيرا
الرجاء عمل مختصر باللغه العربيه
ردحذفما شاء الله موضوع جميل بالتوفيق إن شاء الله
ردحذفموضوع جميل
ردحذفWell go ahead
ردحذفهذا الموضوع جيد
ردحذفهذا الموضوع رائع لقد استفدت منه كيرا
ردحذفMasha Allah... Keep it up