أعزائى القراء المحترمين
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
أقدم لكم اليوم المدونة الرابعة في الفصل الأول عن مصفوفة البوابات المنطقية القابلة للبرمجة في مجال العمل
(Field Programmable Gate Array FPGA ).
Chapter 1
1.5 FPGA
FPGA is an abbreviation for Field
Programmable Gate Array. It is a sub-group to Application Specific Integrated
Circuits, ASIC. ASICs are designed at transistor-level. The transistors with
connections are made by a design-process involving building layers using e.g.
diffusion. A simplification of this is using standard-cells. These are e.g.
adders or other functions that are connected to produce the function desired.
There are other design-processes but they will not be described here. What
ASICs and the different design-processes of these have in common is that once
produced, they can’t be changed. An FPGA is a gate- matrix in which the
connections between and within the cells are programmed. An FPGA then gains the
same benefits as an ASIC but the silicon used is larger in the FPGA than in the
ASIC. This means the area of silicon isn’t optimized and the speed of the FPGA
is slower than for an ASIC. Another solution to design problems is to use
standard-circuits and microprocessors. These are cheap since they are produced
in large series. They can be programmed by using a high-definition language,
e.g. C. It makes it easy to change or create new code. An FPGA share both the
ASIC and the microprocessor’s benefits. It can be used to fast design
application-specific designs and the circuits programmed can easily be changed
on the circuit board with a newly programmed FPGA. The drawback is the cost of
the FPGA compared to an ASIC in large quantities. The FPGA functions can be
programmed at different levels. One can go directly inside the cells or use
higher-level components such as e.g. NAND, adders, registers, flip- flops and
more. There are several manufacturers of FPGA. Actel are one, Xilinx another.
1.5.1 VHDL
is an abbreviation of Very high-speed integrated circuit Hardware Description
Language. It is a standardized language used to specify, verify, and design
electronics. VHDL was developed by the US department of defense at the beginning
of the eighties and was made a
standard for
modeling and
simulating. The translation of VHDL-code to a net- list for e.g. an FPGA is
called synthesis. The synthesizing process is not made into a standard thus it
is the synthesizer tool that decides what VHDL-code constructs that are
supported for synthesis. VHDL is an object-based language. It is a big and
general hardware-descriptive language, which gives several opportunities to
describe the same behavior with different language-designs. The design itself
is made up of components consisting of two parts. Entity In and output signals
of the component Architecture Behavior of the entity, described by different
abstraction models. The component can be described by different abstraction-
levels and structural descriptions. The abstraction- levels can describe the
same function but with different levels of detail.
using VHDL it is possible to mix different abstraction-levels simply by connecting
the different components that are using different levels. The different levels
used in practical electronic design are:
(Register Transfer Level).
Gate- level.
behavior model is used at an early stage as a specification on how the circuit
is supposed to work, thus it is easy to read and can also be used for
documentation. The RTL- model describes the behavior in asynchrone and
synchrone state-machines, bus-structures, operators, registers, multiplexers,
ALU and many more structures. These exist in different language-designs that
can be synthesized if the synthesis-tool supports it.
Gate level is the lowest abstraction
level used for synthesis. At this level a gate- net is written or the design is
described using Boolean algebra. This level gives the most control over
synthesis and optimizing of circuit-area.
LIBRARY ieee ;
USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all ;
ENTITY fulladd IS
PORT ( Cin,
x, y : IN SID_LOGIC ;
s, Cout : OUT STD_LOGIC ) ;
END fulladd ;
ARCHITECTURE LogicFunc OF fulladd IS
s <= x XOR y
XOR Cin ;
Cout <= (x
AND y) OR (x AND Cin) OR (y AND Cin) ;
END LogicFunc ;
Example for VHDL Code for a full _Adder
ما شاء الله موضوع جميل بالتوفيق إن شاء الله
ردحذفما شاء الله موضوع جميل بالتوفيق إن شاء الله
ردحذفWell to be continuo
ردحذفماشاء الله تبارك الله بالتوفيق
ردحذفالله ينور يا مهندس ابراهيم موضوع رائع بالتوفيق ان شاء الله